Thermoelectricity: history and modernity

22 Ноября 2021
Thermoelectricity: history and modernity

The main task of modern scientific research in the field of thermoelectricity is how to increase the efficiency of generators. To solve this problem, complex knowledge is required, including the history of the creation and development of thermoelectric generators (TEG).

The recently published article "Thermoelectricity: From History to Modernity Through the CASS Activity" (Alexander S. Korotkov, Vera V. Loboda) details the history of TEG, starting from the developments of Academician A.F. Ioffe (from 1921) to the modern achievements of our scientists in partnership with the IEEE CASS Chapter.

The article describes the principle of TEG operation in an accessible and understandable language, identifies areas and prospects for the development of modern science in this area.

Read more on the journal's website  IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine.